2. You don’t need to give up everything

You don’t have to go on a low-carb diet to lose weight. And if you want all the benefits of ketosis without giving up carbs, you can try the cyclical keto diet.
Everyone can achieve a small calorie deficit – even without giving up your favorite foods – even chocolate.
Besides, the body needs carbohydrates, especially for the brain with energy. So it’s best to focus on complex, long-chain carbohydrates that don’t affect blood sugar levels and keep you full longer.
And you should consume trans fats, saturated fats, alcohol, sugary drinks, sweets, and pastries less frequently and not daily.
Craving chocolate? Then reach for a dark chocolate bar with a cocoa content of at least 80 percent.
Besides, the bitter substances in chocolate curb the craving for sweets.
And boost your tryptophan absorption, the body uses this amino acid to form serotonin – the happiness hormone. It also influences the production of melatonin, which has a calming effect and helps you sleep well.
It can also Activate a receptor called TRPV1 that turns your body into a fat-burning machine.