Weight Loss Without A Strict Diet – How Jodi Managed to do it?

A year ago, Jodi set out on her transformation journey without any clear dietary ideas: she simply wanted to become healthier and focused primarily on clean eating. 12 months later, she is hardly recognizable.

Jodi was never really fat. But the small fat pads around her belly, legs, and buttocks did not correspond to Jodi’s image of herself.

That’s exactly what she simply wasn’t willing to put up with a little over a year ago: “I felt frustrated and uncomfortable in both my body and my mind.”

She quickly understood that to change this. She would have to work on her mindset first and foremost.

With much dedication, she focused on listening more to herself and her body to find out what she really needed – with success!

Without following any particular diet, in just 12 months, her figure transformed into an athletic body with glowing skin. Now Jodi is happy and mentally healthy.

Positively pointing out bad habits

Weight Loss Before and After Photos

Jodi has always been athletic and especially enjoyed playing field hockey. It’s just that her body didn’t look like it because nutrition had never been important to her.

So to start her transformation, Jodi initially focused on eating healthier.

She first tried out ” clean eating ” without taking away her motivation by imposing too many rigid rules. In other words, no more convenience foods and hardly any processed food, so she could enjoy cooking fresh meals for herself.

In addition, she enrolled in a nutrition course and learned about the principle of “positive displacement” there.

With this concept, there are no prohibitions concerning nutrition. Instead, it’s just about incorporating healthier eating habits and naturally avoiding some of the bad habits.

“For example, instead of cutting out refined sugar and refined carbohydrates completely, you simply incorporate a greater amount of whole, natural, fresh foods,” Jodi shares.

Jodi’s 30-point plan

Although Jodi was now eating much healthier and even became a regular at the gym, the physical changes didn’t come overnight.

“It’s all about the small steps,” she shares on Instagram, giving her followers a glimpse into her 30-point plan that helped her stick with it.

First, on the list, there is “self-love and be kind with yourself” followed by “take time,” “form routines,” “patience,” and “discipline.”

But there are also some reminders you might not immediately think of, such as “surround yourself with people who support your endeavor” or “focus on the things you can do, not the things you can’t,” and “celebrate even small wins.”

The right mindset

Weight Loss Before and After Photos

More than half of Jodi’s listed points are all about turning your mindset around.

So she also lets readers know under her post, “Pictures are just a 2D representation of a journey, but mine was so much more than that, and a lot of it was about my mindset.”

Since she was so successful at doing that for herself, she’d soon like to share her experiences and the knowledge she’s accumulated about them with others professionally.

“I am currently pursuing training to become a health coach, and then share the insights from my personal transformation journey in a positive, uplifting and non-judgmental way with a focus on self-love and self-care,” she shares on The Instagram page ‘weightlosstransformations.’