50 Kilos Weight Loss | Recovering From Gastric Bypass, And PCOS

Weight loss is not always the cause of a bad lifestyle some times, genetics and hormones play a role in how your body reacts.

In this article, we will explore how Britt struggled with PCOS and how the surgery was her last resort.

Finally, she’s going to answer the most asked questions about Bariatric Surgery and help you as much as she can.

Britt  answering your top 18 questions 

Extreme weight loss before and after

The young American woman tried various diets, gave up on herself for a while, and then came back with great determination to lose more than 110 pounds.

Due to an illness, Britt Nicholson started taking hormonal contraceptives, which made her gain weight rapidly.

50 Kilos Weight Loss | Recovering From Gastric Bypass, And PCOS
