30 Days Without Sugar| One Month Sugar-Free: Personal Experience.

Going without sugar is supposed to have many advantages. So let’s see what you can get out of this self-experiment.

I noticed that my skin was glowing. I lost Some pounds and felt great mentally and physically. And the most important thing is I don’ get strong cravings even after I finished the challenge. 

I am no longer so tired in the afternoon. And I have also lost a little weight. Maybe it would have been a little more if I hadn’t compensated for the missing sugar with nuts and cheese.

Day 1 

I am highly motivated! Yesterday I sorted out all sugar, sweeteners and somehow sweetened products from my supplies. 

To do that, I first had to figure out what aliases sugar can have. There are a lot of them. 

And I’ve found sugar in things where it really surprised me. In vegetable broth, for example, or my favorite bread spread. I’m sorry about that one. I can’t fail before it even starts!
