The 15 Best exercises to strengthen glutes and hips | Butt Workouts No Weights.


BRIDGE women doing a butt exercise

A great exercise to start with: The bridge engages not only your butt muscles but also your back and abdominal muscles. You’ll improve your core stability; a stronger, crunchier butt can also help you relieve back pain. 

If you also put a resistance band around your knees, the exercise becomes even more strenuous: this way, you also strain your thighs. Before you get started, it’s worth reviewing these common exercise mistakes.

Lie on your back. Angle your knees and lift your hips until your body forms a straight line between your knees and head. Your heels should stay under your knees and not be further forward or back. 

If you feel this exercise straining your back, make sure your abs are tight, and the strength is really coming from your hips and not your chest.