Lose Weight With Interval Fasting: The Warrior Diet.


Losing weight by fasting is popular now more than ever. If the classic 16:8 method is not effective enough for you, you can try the Warrior diet. This strict diet offers many benefits but is not suitable for everyone.

Intermittent fasting is probably one of the most effective ways to lose weight – after all, you don’t have to eliminate any delicious foods from your menu and still reduce your body fat percentage. 

Most people use the  16.8 method, in which you eat for eight hours a day and fasting for 16 hours.

But if you want better results, you need to try more effective and extreme variants of IF.

Warrior diet: Eat only four hours a day

In the Warrior diet, the eating period is even smaller – it is limited to four hours. And the fasting phase is for 20 hours a day.

Eating for only four hours may sound extreme at first, but it is supposed to have some health benefits for the body and make the kilos melt away.

The reduction of food intake put less strain on the body. 

Besides, the Supporters of the Warrior diet claim they experience a radical change in energy and mood during the day.

That fasting brings many other advantages, and several studies show direct evidence of the health effects of IF on the human organism.

Effective for weight loss

In a 2007 study, a diet that closely resembled the Warrior diet was put under the microscope. It showed that people who limited their food intake to four hours lost more body fat and gained more muscle. 

However, those who want to lose weight on the Warrior diet should not rely solely on their metabolism but should still choose healthy foods.

And make sure that you’re not eating too many calories during the short food intake.

Fasting is not suitable for everyone

Losing weight without strictly abstaining from food sounds appealing, but a strict diet also has disadvantages.

Since it involves eating for a very limited period, simply sticking to it can be a challenge. 

It can be quite difficult to wait until the evening to take the first bite. So whether or not you can follow through with the Warrior diet depends a lot on your lifestyle.

In addition, some groups of people should refrain from this fasting method altogether, especially pregnant women, children, and sick people, as well as people who have already suffered from an eating disorder. 

Preparation for the Warrior diet

To get started on this particular diet, you should consider a 3-week plan designed to get the body ready for the diet and weight loss.

Phase 1: Detox

The meal plan for the first week is very consistent. Very little food is eaten for 20 hours during the day: Vegetable juices, clear broths, dairy products (yogurt & cottage cheese), hard-boiled eggs, and raw fruits and vegetables are allowed.

During the four-hour meal period, there is a salad with oil and vinegar dressing, one large meal, or several meals with plant proteins such as beans, whole grains, cheese, and cooked vegetables.

Coffee, tea, water can be consumed throughout the day.

Phase 2: High Fat

This phase – the second week – also involves consuming as few calories as possible during the day using the same foods. 

During the four-hour meal period in the evening, you should eat a salad, lean animal protein, cooked vegetables, and a handful of nuts.

 Phase 3: Alteration of carbs and protein

In the final week, alternate between high carbohydrate and high protein consumption days.

On high-carbohydrate days, you should eat amounts of animal proteins and plenty of carbs from corn, potatoes, pasta, barley, or oats during the four hours, in addition to salad and vegetables. 

You can eat between 200 and 450 grams of animal product with cooked, non-starchy vegetables on the high-protein days. Small amounts of fruit are allowed for dessert. 

Warrior Diet: Eat like a warrior

After going through these three phases, the only thing to watch out for is the 20 to 4 ratio. The exact portion sizes are no longer important. 

To keep the body supplied with all the essential micronutrients, we recommend taking a multivitamin and other supplements such as probiotics and amino acids.

We also recommend including physical activity such as strength training in the daily sc hedule to promote fat loss. 

Very important: Drink plenty of water throughout the day!

Some examples of mall portions during the 20 hours:

  • Fruits like apples, bananas, kiwi, mango, peach, pineapple 
  • Vegetable juices and broths
  • Raw vegetables such as carrots, peppers, cucumber
  • Dairy products

During the four hours, you should eat mainly fresh ingredients, cooked vegetables, and animal proteins. These are primarily starchy foods, whole grains, seeds, nuts, and healthy fats.

Although all foods are allowed, unhealthy, it would be best if you avoid highly processed foods, such as sweets, fast food, and fried food, processed meat, refined carbohydrates, artificial sweeteners, and also sweetened drinks such as soft drinks.

Does the diet promote an unhealthy relationship with food?

The focus of dieting is to deny yourself food – and then take in as much food as possible in a short period, which can promote an unhealthy relationship with food. 

Eating large amounts can lead to feelings of regret and shame, which can harm mental health and body image.

In addition, if the plan is not thorough, there is a risk of not absorbing enough nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which can cause side effects such as lack of strength, dizziness, irritability, and insomnia.

Thus, those who want to follow through with the Warrior diet should carefully consider which foods to consume in the four hours to meet calorie and nutrient needs.