Exercising In The Heat: 8 Mistakes You Should Avoid In Summer.

1. Training at the wrong time

Young couple is working out outside in the sun, Attractive woman and handsome muscular man are training

Are you working out in the summer during the heat of the afternoon? Not a good idea at all. Instead, it would help if you exercised early in the morning when the air is still fresh. 

During the day, you’re better off not starting a workout. The sun shines most intensely around midday and reaches its highest temperatures between 4 and 5 p.m. 

Are you not a morning person? No problem. Move your workouts to the evening.

Do you want to do sports and get a tan at the same time? Not a good idea at all! If your usual running routes are in the blazing sun, look for shadier alternatives for the summer months.

For example, forest or park paths are suitable for jogging. HIIT or strength training sessions should also be done in the shade. This not only protects your skin but also makes the whole workout more pleasant.