30 Kilos Down, Out Of Depression – This Is How Lidia Did It!

23. Focus on your mental health

extreme weight loss before and after

With every pound of fat the young woman lost and every gram of muscle she gained in return, Lidia’s attitude toward her body changed. 

She is now proud of her stretch marks and loose skin – after all, they are a testament to her strict discipline and stamina over the past few years.

But the path to mental health is also rarely linear. “I have to admit that I still compare myself to other women – and I work on that every day,” she confesses.

“By now, I have a lot of confidence. But if I’m honest, there are days when I look at myself, and I’m not completely satisfied with the way my body looks.”

However, in the future, she said she doesn’t want to place such a high value on other people’s opinions of her appearance and wants to stop comparing her physical progress to that of other people. 

However, just as with the physical process, this mental attitude also takes time to improve.