What Sweetener Can You Use On Keto?

Monk Fruit or Luo Han Guo:

Monk Fruit or Lui Han Guo is a pumpkin plant found exclusively in southern China. Monks traditionally cultivated it, hence the name. 

This plant is not popular in the rest of the world, but In Asia, however, it is used for centuries as a medicine for allergies, gastrointestinal problems, and breathing difficulties.

In 2009 the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classified Monk Fruit as a safe, natural sweetener with no negative side effects.

The Luo Han Guo fruit contains secondary plant substances called Mogrosides, making it extremely sweet (200-300 times higher than sugar).

Monk Fruit has 0 calories, no carbohydrates, a glycemic index of 0, and no blood sugar effect. It even helps to reduce blood sugar levels and is used in Chinese folk medicine to treat diabetes.

When you buy Luo Han Guo powder, check the label for additives like dextrose.

Besides, the monk fruit has no unpleasant aftertaste and compatible with a super low-carb and keto diet.

monk fruit sweetener nutrition facts and benefits.