Is Oat Milk Good For Weight Loss?

Nowadays, more people are avoiding animal milk for health or ethical reasons. Besides, recent studies have shown that animal milk Doesn’t make your bones stronger, and it’s not that healthy.

There are now many different milk alternatives on the market. But oat milk is very special. It is very healthy, and nutritious, and above all, it can help you lose weight.

We will now tell you about the health benefits of oat milk.

Here you will find all you need to know about this delicious drink and why you should consider making it an integral part of your daily diet. So what makes oat milk special, and how can it help you lose weight??

The Nutritional Value Of Oat Milk:

Few foods are as good as oats. The FDA describes oats as one of the healthiest foods because it helps us regain vitality and energy. Besides, oat milk is very delicious, that’s why it is a favorite for meat-eaters and vegetarians. But the best thing about oat milk is that it is rich in many essential nutrients.

Oat milk contains vitamins E, B1, B2, B3, and B6 and the minerals sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. And for people who suffer from lactose intolerance. There is no lactose in Grain milk like oats.

the nutritional value of oat milk

How does oat milk help with weight loss?

Oat milk helps you lose weight directly because it is healthy, nutritious, and low in calories. And indirectly by improving multiple factors that play an essential role in your overall health.

1. Oat milk is low in calories:

At around 40-45 calories per 100ml, oat milk contains far fewer calories than regular cow’s milk, which has around 50 calories per 100ml. Soy milk has a similar calorie count to cow’s milk at around 80-100 calories per cup (240ml).

Almond milk ranges from 60-70 calories per cup depending on the brand. Oat milk’s low-calorie density means you can easily incorporate it into a weight-loss diet without feeling deprived. Drinking oat milk is unlikely to negatively impact your calorie goals for the day.

2. Oats milk improves digestion and makes you full: 

The carbs in oats are complex rather than simple. This means they break down slowly in the digestive system. As a result, blood sugar levels remain stable and you don’t experience spikes and crashes that can trigger hunger cues.

The soluble fiber in oats forms a gel-like substance in the stomach that extends digestion time. This “fullness sensation” prevents you from feeling abruptly hungry a short time after a meal. Research has found the fiber in oats helps people consume fewer daily calories overall compared to lower-fiber foods.

3. Oat milk improves your gut microbiome: 

Taking care of your gut bacteria can also help in losing weight. And as we said before, oat milk is rich in fiber.  And fiber is important to maintain a healthy balanced intestinal microflora and promote good health.

This supports the balance and diversity of gut microbiota. A healthy microbiome influences weight regulation through various mechanisms like short-chain fatty acid production, regulation of food intake hormones like ghrelin and leptin, and more efficient energy extraction from foods. It also influences hunger cues and signals to the brain related to satiety and fullness. Maintaining gut health is important for weight loss success and lifelong wellness.

4. Oat milk reduces cholesterol levels and protects the heart:

Oat milk on an empty stomach is enough to lower your cholesterol levels.  Besides, it is rich in omega-6 and linoleic acid.

Studies have found oat milk’s fatty acids and antioxidants can reduce LDL cholesterol by an average of 5-10% compared to regular cow’s milk. This effect is comparable to taking a low-dose statin medication. High LDL is a major controllable risk factor for heart disease. Oat milk’s heart benefits are likely partly responsible for research linking higher dietary fiber intake to lower risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, and overall mortality.

5. Oat milk has a cleansing effect: 

Drinking oat milk regularly may help remove built-up waste material and toxins from the liver and bloodstream more effectively. This “cleansing” mechanism is enhanced by the soluble fiber found in whole oats, which sweeps out dietary and environmental pollutants from the digestive tract as it passes through.

This cleanses the entire GI system over time and improves overall body detoxification processes.

6. Oat milk regulates sugar levels: 

The soluble fiber in oats regulates digestion and absorption of carbs, maintaining stable blood sugar levels. This helps control appetite and prevent overeating in people with diabetes or prediabetes. Managing blood sugar and insulin sensitivity is critical for weight control as well. Oat milk may help reduce the risk of developing diabetes or improve already elevated blood sugar readings over time.

7. Oat milk can prevent cancer: 

The antioxidants in whole oats are thought to reduce inflammation and cell damage related to cancer development. Avenanthramides are a unique class of antioxidants in oats linked to reduced proliferation of various cancer cell lines in test tube studies.

Large population research has associated higher dietary fiber intake with lower cancer mortality specifically. More research is still needed, but oat milk appears to support overall health in ways that may help prevent cancer.

How To Make Oat Milk At Home: 

Some people find drinks from the supermarket shelf unpleasant. Because of all the additives like oil, preservatives, and sugar.

Also, If you find oat milk expensive, we have the answer for you. You can make your own. 

Ingredients for one liter:

  • 80 grams of oat flakes
  • 1 liter of water
  • One pinch of salt
  • One tablespoon of sugar (If desired)


  • Bring the water to a boil (in a pot). Remove the pot from the heat and add oat flakes, salt, and sugar. 
  • Stir well and let the oat flakes swell. 
  • Cool the oatmeal and blend it. 
  • Using a hair sieve and a kitchen towel, sieve the liquid into a bowl and separate it from the mixture (this may take a while).
  •  Finally, pour the finished oat milk into glasses or a bottle.

Note: Without any additives, the oat milk will last in the refrigerator for about three days.