7. Add cheating days to your routine
As absurd as it sounds: a little inconsistency makes you more consistent. The diet change will only have long-term success if you forbid yourself nothing from the start.
Okay, almost nothing. You do have to pull yourself together a little to eat healthier, but don’t be too strict with yourself. The sentence “From now on I won’t eat pizza as often and as much” sounds much more pleasant (and realistic) than “From now on I’ll never eat pizza again,” doesn’t it?
Bottom line:
The ban would put so much pressure on you, and sooner or later, you give in to the temptation. That’s human. So, implement our dietary change tips as consistently as possible, but regularly have a cheat day! In other words, occasionally treat yourself to something that is not on the plan.
A change of diet is feasible. It requires discipline and a planned approach. You can gradually integrate our little tips into your daily routine. And allow yourself an exception to the rules now and then.