Can smoking cause high cholesterol and heart problems?

According to the world health organization, Nicotine from cigarettes kills more than 8 million people each year and around 1.2 million result from second-hand smoke.

Cigarette kills up to half of its users.

Also, smoking increased the fat levels in the blood, and these levels the most significant risk factors for a heart attack. Together they constitute two-thirds of the dangers.

Nicotine from cigarette smoke narrows the veins, calcifying the arteries and leading to a heart attack or stroke.

Smokers are 70{23a935e40810e147a9f2406802bc54b2b4fd42064446c8b6538bcc40c333c187} more likely to develop cardiovascular diseases than non-smokers.

Smoking And High Cholesterol:

Active and passive smoking disturbs the fat metabolism.

Especially heavy smokers. They have low HDL cholesterol (The good cholesterol), which removes the “bad cholesterol” (LDL cholesterol and triglycerides) from the liver.

So Less HDL cholesterol means more “bad cholesterol” and a greater risk of cardiovascular disease. 

This damage to the blood vessels can cause arteriosclerosis or make its progress fast.

Smoking Causes Lipid Metabolism Disorders:

Most people don’t consider smoking as a widespread addiction problem but as a private choice.  

But the reality is, cigarettes can be more dangerous than other potent drugs. 

Statistically, cigarettes kill more people each year than AIDS, heroin, cocaine, alcohol, and car accidents combined. 

Carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke can affect the normal metabolism of lipids. 

When you inhale the smoke, the CO in the blood increases significantly, causing an increase in the LDL, “the bad cholesterol,” causing serious problems in their blood vessels.

So Nicotine constricts the blood vessels, and elevated cholesterol promotes arteriosclerosis. 

Also, smoking with high cholesterol doubles the heart’s danger, and these two factors together make up two-thirds of the risk of a heart attack. 

Smoking And High Cholesterol Double The Risk Of Damaging Blood Vessels: 

Smoking and too much “bad” cholesterol in the blood are the two most important risk factors for a heart attack.

Nicotine constricts the veins and leads to an increase in dangerous vascular deposits. 

So those who smoke increase the risk of heart attack and stroke with every cigarette. And if you add lipid metabolism disorders, the risk of cardiovascular events doubles.

What Happens To Cholesterol When You Stop Smoking: 

People who quit smoking improve their blood lipid values and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Even in the first 24 hours without nicotine, there is a reduction in heart attack risk. 

After two days, the sense of smell and taste improves. 

In three days, breathing becomes more comfortable because the bronchial tubes become flaccid. 

After three months, the lung capacity increases significantly, blood circulation improves, and the circulation stabilizes. 

After nine months, the smoker’s cough and shortness of breath disappear, and susceptibility to infection decreases. 

And after a smoke-free year, the heart attack risk is reduced by half.

And people who become smoke-free at the age of 40, before contracting lung cancer or other fatal diseases, minimize their risk of dying from the consequences of tobacco consumption.  

How To Stop Smoking:

1- Do not carry cigarettes with you.

3- Take it one day at a time. Do not worry about next year, next month, or even tomorrow. Concentrate on not smoking from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep.

4- Work on developing the attitude that you are doing yourself a favor by not smoking.

Don’t dwell on the thought that you are not indulging in a cigarette.

You are freeing yourself from smoking because you are worth enough to want to do so.

5- Be proud not to smoke.

6- Avoid certain situations that will trigger the urge to smoke, like drinking alcohol, sitting in a restaurant, social events with smoking friends, and playing cards.

7- Make a list of all the reasons you want to quit smoking. Carry this list with you. If you notice that you are reaching out for a cigarette, take out your list and read it.

8- Drink plenty of fruit juice during the first three days. This will help to flush the nicotine out of your body.

9- To avoid weight gain, eat fruits and vegetables instead of sweets and pastries.
And exercise is always a good idea. If you’re not used to exercising regularly, ask your doctor for a sports program that is feasible and safe for you.

10- If you get into a crisis, remember that smoking is not a solution.

Smoking will only worsen the situation by a relapse into nicotine addiction.

11- Just one single puff, and you will become addicted again. No matter how long you haven’t smoked, don’t think you can take a hit without danger!

12- Save the money you would otherwise spend on cigarettes and buy something you want after a week or a month. Save for a whole year, and you can afford a vacation.

13- Breathing exercises can help when you feel the urge to smoke.

14- Hang out in places where smoking is not allowed, such as cinemas, libraries, and restaurants’ non-smoking areas.

15- Tell the people around you that you have stopped smoking.