5 Delicious Breakfast Recipes With Eggs, Bacon And Potatoes.

2. Spinach Bacon Egg Muffins.

Spinach Bacon Egg Muffins recipe with and potatos

Spinach Bacon Egg Muffins is an easy and delicious breakfast idea. It takes about 20 minutes to prepare and cook. And it contains about 312 kcal.

[ads_custom_box title=”Ingredients: for 1 serving:” color_border=”#e87e04″]75 g spinach 1 egg, bacon, some salt, and pepper, nutmeg, 1 small boiled potato.[/ads_custom_box]

How to prepare:

Start by blanching the spinach in boiling salted water for one minute. Then let it drain, and squeeze out the water.

Cut out some piece of baking paper and line it with a muffin tin.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. And put the spinach in the tin and sprinkle nutmeg, salt, and pepper on it. Then spread the bacon and potato on top.

Finally, break the egg on top and bake the muffin for about 15 minutes until the egg is firm.