20 Proven Health Benefits Of Edamame Beans

Reduce Bone Loss And Prevent Osteoporosis

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Regular intake of Edamame can have a positive effect on your bone health because it contains calcium

Most people think that milk is good for bones, but unfortunately, the opposite is true. Because it over acidifies the body. The best thing for healthy bones are plants like Edamame.

Calcium is also important to effectively prevent osteoporosis and reduce bone loss.

Osteoporosis is a condition that occurs when bones become weak and fragile and can increase the risk of falls or fractures. 

Bone density naturally decreases, especially in women after 35, and it occurs even faster after menopause.

Multiple observational studies showed that regular consumption of soy products rich in isoflavones could reduce osteoporosis risk (21, 22).

Soy isoflavones have been shown to reduce bone density loss and increase bone density during menopause (23,24).

Edamame is also rich in protein, which can help keep your bones healthy. 

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