20 Proven Health Benefits Of Edamame Beans

Rich In Antioxidants

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Free radicals are absorbed through diet or natural metabolic processes.

But external influences can also cause them. Like too much sun exposure, alcohol consumption, and stress.

Free radicals are unstable compounds. They react with everything they come into contact with and cause a chain reaction that creates more and more of them. So If these radicals are too high, they can damage the cells and affect their function.

They can even damage the DNA. And if this damage happens during cell division, the entire tissues can be affected. Oxidative stress makes the body age faster and leads to chronic diseases like arteriosclerosis, Alzheimer’s, and cancer.

Antioxidants in Edamame have many health benefits. Primarily they neutralize free radicals and protect the body from damage.

[ads_custom_box title=”SUMMARY:” color_border=”#e87e04″]Antioxidants have many health benefits. They neutralize free radicals and protect the body from Oxidative stress. [/ads_custom_box]