15 Proven Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is not only a delicious spice that can improve many meals and treats, but it is also very healthy.

Cinnamon takes you back to the pre-Christmas season and makes you think of cozy evenings in front of the fireplace.

Just think of baked apples, mulled punch, gingerbread… The list of sweet and savory recipes with cinnamon is endless.

And the list of benefits is also very long. in this article, we brought you the top 15 advantages.

[tds_info]Every part of these articles is written according to the highest scientific standards. More than 40 studies are sited to ensure that the information is accurate and helpful. [/tds_info]

Cinnamon nutrients facts:

these valuable nutrients make cinnamon very healthy food.

One teaspoon of cinnamon powder contains 0.33 mg (16{23a935e40810e147a9f2406802bc54b2b4fd42064446c8b6538bcc40c333c187} of DV) manganese, 0.76 mg (4{23a935e40810e147a9f2406802bc54b2b4fd42064446c8b6538bcc40c333c187}  of DV) iron and 24.56 mg (2{23a935e40810e147a9f2406802bc54b2b4fd42064446c8b6538bcc40c333c187} of DV) calcium.

Manganese act as an enzyme activator and play an essential role in bone structure and metabolism.

Manganese is useful for weak bones, anemia, and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Cinnamon also contains the polyphenol MHCP. That acts directly on the insulin receptors and helps to lower blood sugar levels. 

It also has a high content of dietary fiber.

Cinnamon nutrients facts:

Cinnamon For Blood Sugar:

Several studies have shown that cinnamon can help with insulin resistance, especially if you have type 2 diabetics.

So you can use it to control your blood sugar fluctuations. (1)

 In particular, Ceylon seems beneficial and more effective in controlling blood sugar levels because it contains small amounts of Coumarin, unlike Cassia. (2)

And Coumarin can cause liver damage in high doses.

According to the same study, cinnamon has a 3-5{23a935e40810e147a9f2406802bc54b2b4fd42064446c8b6538bcc40c333c187} effect on blood glucose levels, similar to diabetes drugs (3). And Cinnamon oil significantly reduced plasma glucose concentrations (p <0.05).

So This could make cinnamon an ideal choice for prediabetics.

The study also found a high degree of effectiveness in controlling blood glucose levels than berberine (Ber) and metformin (Met). 

So When using Ceylon cinnamon in moderation with a healthy diet program, proper nutrition, and moderate exercise can help people with diabetes. (4,5,6)

Cinnamon Can Help Reduce LDL Cholesterol And Triglycerides and prevent heart disease: 

According to a study of the Mayo clinic, cinnamon indirectly influences LDL cholesterol by lowering the body’s sugar and fat production. 

A study found that cinnamon can drastically reduce fat metabolism because it reduces triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol.

And a review in 2011 found that regular cinnamon consumption is associated with a significant decrease in total cholesterol, LDL-C, and triglycerides, and an increase in HDL-C (the good cholesterol). (7, 8)

Cinnamon Can Prevent And Help Fight Cancer: 

Research has shown that cinnamon oil is very promising for treating tumors, stomach cancer, and melanoma. 

Sugar stimulates and promotes the growth of cancer cells. And as we said before, Cinnamon regulates the blood sugar levels in the body and starves the cancer cells.(9,10,11,12)

So it’s reasonable to assume that it has an anticancerous effect. 

Another study showed promising results in leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells. 

Besides, Cinnamon, in its various forms, has two essential components: cinnamic Aldehyde and Eugenol.  

These two are quite effective in fighting cancer and tumors. They’re even used in dietary supplements to fight different types of cancer.

 This University of Arizona study found that the active ingredient cinnamaldehyde present in Cinnamon is a potent cancer-fighting agent.

Cinnamon is an antioxidant that helps with anti-inflammation: 

Antioxidants are good for the whole body. They repair damaged tissues and reduces the number of free radicals. 

It is vital to get rid of these radicles because they can cause cancer. 

With an ORAC value of 267,536 μmol TE/100 g (USDA 2007), cinnamon is one of the seven most important antioxidants worldwide. 

Antioxidants reduce the formation of free radicals that cause cancer. This study certifies that cinnamon has good antioxidant properties.

This detailed study found potential antimicrobial and antioxidant properties in the essential oils and cinnamon bark oleoresins and leaves.(13,14,15,16) (17,18)

Cinnamon effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi:  

Ceylon cinnamon is a powerful antibacterial and is an excellent natural disinfectant. 

Cinnamon as an antibacterial:

Cinnamon oil is good antibacterials. It can be used instead of dangerous chemicals, especially for children.

For example, this study found that the amount of cinnamic aldehyde in cinnamon oil was effective against bacteria strains like Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Typhimurium, and Enterohaemorrhagic.

Many studies put cinnamon oil as one of the three leading essential oils that proved to be effective against Candidiasis (19,20).

Cinnamon For Virus: 

This miraculous plant is a potent virus fighter. 

According to multiple studies, a procyanidin polymer derived from Cinnamon can turn HIV-infected people into HIV controllers (those who carry the virus but do not develop AIDS). (21,22,23)

The study also found that eugenol, the main ingredient in Ceylon cinnamon leaf oil, is effective against herpes. 

Cinnamic aldehyde is also effective against adenoviruses, the most common cause of respiratory disease.

Cinnamon For fungus and infections: 

If you suffer from a bad case of toenail fungus or athlete’s foot, Cinnamon may be the answer to your problem. 

The leaf oil is a powerful antifungal agent and even more effective than many commercial products. 

Cinnamon has an amazing ability to stop drug-resistant yeast infections. (24,25)

Cinnamon for colds, sore throats, and coughs:

According to traditional Chinese medicine, at the first signs of a cold or an itching throat, take a cinnamon tea.

Because cinnamon has a preventive effect, again, this is due to the antibacterial and warming properties of cinnamon.

This stimulates blood flow, increases oxygen in the blood, and helps your body fight the disease. 

Cinnamon for stomachache, gastrointestinal infection, and the flu: 

One of the best remedies for a terrible stomach upset is cinnamon. 

And It makes sense because cinnamon is a powerful antibacterial agent. 

Research has shown that cinnamon is one of the most effective substances against E-coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacter-coli.

Cinnamon for Irritable Bowel Syndrome: 

Cinnamon reduces the unpleasant effects (especially flatulence) associated with Irritable bowel syndrome.

It ensures the normal functioning of the digestive fluids by killing the bacteria and curing gastrointestinal tract infections.

A Japanese study found that it can even cure ulcers.

So if you already have stomach cramps or an upset stomach, a cup of cinnamon tea 2-3 times a day can drastically reduce the pain.

Cinnamon for weight loss:

Coumarin is an active substance that has a blood-thinning effect. 

It is found in high doses in Cassia cinnamon in Ceylon. Because of this substance, cinnamon dilutes the blood and stimulates circulation and these changes boost the metabolism and help with weight loss. 

The blood-thinning property of cinnamon can also play an anticoagulant role, especially for patients with heart disease.

It is very important to avoid cinnamon if you’re on any blood-thinning medicines. (26)

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) :

Again due to the high manganese level in cinnamon, it can alleviate the effects of PMS. 

According to the University of Maryland, women who ate 5.6 mg of manganese a day had fewer mood swings and cramps than those who ate only 1 mg of manganese.

These results suggest that a diet rich in manganese can help to alleviate symptoms of PMS.

Another clinical study found that 46 patients with PMS had significantly lower calcium levels, chromium, copper, and manganese in their blood.

According to New York University guidelines and The FDA guidelines, manganese’s daily intake should be between 2 mg (about two cinnamon sticks) and 11 mg (about 12 cinnamon sticks). 

Cinnamon can help with depression, Reduced irritability, Mood-lifting: 

Grandparents used to say that the smell of cinnamon is the best cure for winter depression. 

A study by Dr. Bryan Raudenbush, Director of Undergraduate Research at Wheeling University, found that cinnamon odor reduces irritability and anger.

Also, cinnamon can indirectly help with depression.

There is solid evidence that certain types of intestinal bacteria can make you more prone to depression

And just by eliminating the bad bacteria and supporting the good type, mental health can change. 

Cinnamon is a powerful antibacterial that can remove “bad” bacteria in the stomach.

Cinnamon is also recommended for people with ADH:

Some parents are beginning to use cinnamon as a complementary treatment option for their children with ADHD or ADHD-like symptoms. 

The best-known study on this subject is a Taiwanese study on cinnamon oil aromatherapy.

Attention, memory and cognitive development

According to the study by Dr. Bryan Raudenbush, Director of Research at Wheeling, cinnamon can help you stay awake and focus. 

And a German study, cited in this article, showed that cinnamon could improve reaction time, memory, and performance. 

Effects of cinnamon in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease

Cinnamon plays a role in delaying preventing and elevating the symptoms of these two diseases. 

According to an Israeli study from the University of Tel Aviv, cinnamon can delay the effects of five aggressive strains of Alzheimer’s even on the genetic level. 

Current research suggests that two compounds in cinnamon – cinnamic aldehyde and epicatechin – may be effective in fighting Alzheimer’s disease (27, 28, 29). 

In 2013, Roshni George and Donald Graves, two scientists at UC Santa Barbara, showed that cinnamon could prevent the development of the thread-like neurofibrillary “tangles” in the brain cells that are characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease. 

And in July 2014, an animal study conducted by Rush University Medical Center found that cinnamon can reverse certain symptoms of Parkinson’s disease(30) (31,32,)

Arthritis / osteoporosis:

Cinnamon has a high level of manganese. And according to the University of Maryland, a Medical Center, this mineral is necessary for the formation of bone, blood, and other connective tissue.

 Manganese is important for bone health. People with a manganese deficiency are more prone to osteoporosis. 

Of course, the cause of osteoporosis can also be excessive consumption of dairy products.

study from 2008 found that the aldehydes in Ceylon cinnamon bark extract genetically suppress Arthritis through NFATc1 downregulation (33,34).

Different types of cinnamon :

When someone mentions cinnamon, you probably think of brown sticks or ground powder. 

But few people know that there are two different types of cinnamon with entirely different effects.   

Generally, there are two cinnamon types, and they are extracted from the bark of different plants.  

Ceylon cinnamon is made from Cinnamomum Verum, the “real cinnamon tree,” And Cassia cinnamon is made from the cinnamon cassie’s bark.

In the organic food store, you usually find the Ceylon cinnamon. It is more expensive than the cassia cinnamon found in the supermarket and finished products, but its taste is more pungent. 

But don’t worry. Fortunately, it is very easy to distinguish between the two. 

Different types of cinnamon

And to simplify things from now on, we’re going to call Ceylon the real cinnamon and Cassia the fake type. 

The bark of the fake cinnamon sticks is brown, one-layered, and thick. On the other hand, the real type has a light brown color and looks like a puff pastry with many thin layers. 

But the key difference between the two is the amount of a substance called Coumarin.

The good cinnamon has just enough of this substance (0.04). 

For adults, larger quantities of Coumarin can cause headaches, dizziness, and vomiting.

 Besides, Coumarin is toxic, and it can cause liver and kidney-damaging in large quantities (35, 36).

Is it possible to overdose with cinnamon? 

The tolerated dose coumarin of Coumarin is 0.1 mg per kg of body weight.

For example, a person that weight65 kg may take up to 6.5 mg Coumarin. 

This corresponds to 19.5 g cassia cinnamon or 812 g Ceylon cinnamon.

So the difference is huge!

An overdose by tea is completely ruled out for an adult because hot water reduces the quantity of Coumarin considerably.


These benefits of cinnamon are for information purposes only, just to show you how healthy the effects of cinnamon can be.

The bottom line is that the article does not intend to give instructions for the treatment, diagnosis, and cure of diseases.

Patients should consult a doctor before taking cinnamon therapeutically.