10 Popular Ways to Do Intermittent Fasting | Stages And Types

Every other day

comen keto and interval fasting

In this technique, you fast every other day and normally eat on the other days. Oddly enough, this form of intermittent fasting is used in most studies, even though this regimen is not at all popular in practice.

You keep a calorie restriction of only 500 kcal per day (or 1/5 of the usual daily calorie requirement) on the fasting days. On the eating days, you eat normally.

The most extreme variant of this scheme is eating nothing on fasting days, but we prefer to advise beginners against this. This method is quite difficult, and most people find it very hard to keep up. However, it is ideal if you want to lose much weight in a short time.

Then, when you have reached the weight you want, you can switch to a milder form, such as the 16/8 method. This will then allow you to stay at your weight quite easily and continue to enjoy the many health benefits of Intermittent Fasting.