What Sweetener Can You Use On Keto?


Allulose is real sugar ( The sweetening power is 70{23a935e40810e147a9f2406802bc54b2b4fd42064446c8b6538bcc40c333c187} compared to household sugar) but without calories and usable carbohydrates. The natural sweetener is extracted from the sugar beet just like real sugar.

In a special process, the molecular structure of the beet’s natural component is modified so that the body excretes it unused. 

After this process, the calorie content is reduced to 0.2 Kcal per gram, and the glycemic index is almost 0. As a result, the new sweetener seems to have only a slight effect on blood sugar or insulin levels.

Aldo allulose occurs in nature in small quantities in raisins and dried figs, and kiwis.

Allulose is keto-friendly, suitable for a low-carb diet, and also for diabetics. It works in cooking and baking like normal sugar and can be used in many ways.

Allulose sweetener nutrition facts and benefits.