What Sweetener Can You Use On Keto?


Erythritol is a natural sugar alcohol and is widely used as a sugar substitute.

Unlike Stevia, it is less sweet than sugar but contains only 6{23a935e40810e147a9f2406802bc54b2b4fd42064446c8b6538bcc40c333c187} of the calories of sugar and has a very low glycemic index of only 1.

You can use erythritol in desserts because it has the volume and consistency of sugar. 

However, you should be aware that it has a slight cooling effect that could be unpleasant for some people. To compensate for this, you can mix it with another sweetener. As already mentioned, Stevia and erythritol form a perfect combination.

Sugar alcohols can cause digestive problems in large quantities, but most people have no problem with erythritol. However, suppose you are particularly sensitive to other sugar alcohols such as maltitol. In that case, you should start with a lower dose of erythritol to ensure that it does not have any adverse effects.

Besides, erythritol does not feed bacteria in the mouth protects against tooth decay compared to sugar because it does not feed bacteria in the mouth (which are responsible for cavities in teeth). 

Anyway, you consume very small amounts of naturally occurring sugars during the ketogenic diet, so your teeth will thank you.

Erythritol sweetener nutrition facts and benefits.

Erythritol-Stevia Mix: 

As we said before, erythritol and stevia can have a slightly different aftertaste. In some dishes, erythritol can cause a cool taste in the mouth, while many stevia products often have a slightly metallic and bitter aftertaste. 

However, when these two sweeteners are combined, they balance each other out perfectly. They taste absolutely sugar-like. So you can enjoy your snacks and desserts without regrets.