The Best Fried Rice Recipe In The World

The best fried rice recipe in the world, nutritious, healthy, and most importantly, delicious. One serving contains 318 calories, 14 g of protein, 14g of fat, 33 g of Carbohydrates, 0 sugar, and 6.4 g of Dietary fiber.

Ingredients  and  preparation:

[ads_custom_box title=”Ingredients for 4 servings” color_border=”#e87e04″]250 g brown rice, 1 clove of garlic, piece ginger, 1 bunch of Spring onions, 150 frozen peas, 200 g Carrots, 100 g bean sprouts, 3 Tbsp. Sesame oil, 4 Eggs, 3 Tbsp. soy sauce, Pepper, and 40 g pickled ginger or ginger chutney.[/ads_custom_box]

the best fried rice with garlic, ginger, Spring onions, frozen peas, Carrots, bean sprouts, Sesame oil, soy sauce, and Pepper.

How to prepare:


  1. Cook rice in 2.5 times the amount of salted water. And Let cool completely.
  2. Meanwhile, peel and finely chop garlic and ginger. Clean and cut the spring onions into thin rings. Peel carrots and cut them into sticks. Defrost the peas. Rinse sprouts in a colander and drain.
  3. After Heating the oil in a wok or a frying pan and fry the spring onions and carrots for 3-5 minutes. Then add the garlic, ginger, and peas and fry for a further 2 minutes. Add rice and stir fry for 3 minutes. 
  4. Push the rice mixture to the side of the wok. Break the eggs, season with soy sauce and pepper, and then pour them into the wok and fry center. Mix into the rice. Sprinkle in the sprouts and season everything with pepper. Serve fried rice with pickled ginger or ginger chutney.[/tds_note]

Fried rice with vegetables is an excellent addition to your table. And since brown rice is not peeled, the silverskin and germ remain intact. It provides extra vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Peas are packed with B vitamins, while eggs provide plenty of protein power. And carrots are good for our skin thanks to provitamin A.

The red bell peppers add color and vitamin C, while fresh diced apples and raisins add a unique twist.

Be careful with the soybean sprouts. They should be fresh and washed thoroughly before consumption.