Success Story: How she lost 30 kilos with a keto diet and interval fasting

Cindy had already tried several diets and even unhealthy diet pills. Unfortunately, she gained weight instead of losing it. She didn’t want to look at herself in the mirror anymore. 

But none of the diets and certainly none of the supposed miracle cures had any long-term effect – and the motivation always fades quickly. 

Little self-esteem because of the extra pounds

It was the same game every time: she tried a diet, lost a few kilos, but couldn’t stick to the diet plan in the long term.

At the same time, the weight gain affected the young American’s life more and more. 

“At one point, I pretty much never left my house and avoided every look in the mirror because I hated how I looked.” Cindy looks back in an Instagram post.

“I stopped going to my boyfriend’s family parties and hid at home. ” 

At that point, she weighed around 100 kilograms. 

With the keto diet, 30 kilos gone – in just one year.

This decisive moment came last year in August – the young woman has since lost over 30 kilos. So how did Cindy do it? With the help of the keto diet, intermittent fasting, and a lot of stamina.

The crucial clue came from a colleague who first explained the principle of the keto diet to her in a little more detail. 

“As a result, I started Googling, watched a few videos on YouTube, went on Pinterest to look up recipes and shopping lists, and searched for other keto Instagrammers.”

Motivation by actual results

The result of this little research was her new lifestyle, which included a strict reduction of carbohydrates and the elimination of sugar from her diet.

The goal of the keto diet is to achieve a metabolic state known as ketosis. The body burns fat for energy, which should turn your body literally into a fat-burning machine.

However, to achieve ketosis, a significantly reduced intake of carbohydrates is required. For Cindy, this meant closely tracking the nutrients she consumed. 

Her efforts were quickly rewarded, and she started noticing some results in just a few weeks.  

Listen to your body when losing weight.

After just the first month, she lost seven kilos less – this motivated Cindy and confirmed she was on the right track. 

“I started slowly and listened to my body to find out what worked best for me.” The 32-year-old describes her first weeks on the keto diet.

Eventually, the young woman began to integrate intermittent fasting into her keto diet, and she was also finally able to motivate herself to do regular exercise sessions. 

With willpower, the goal is not far

“I have achieved my goal so far because I have remained consistent and have not given up,” says Cindy, pleased with her willpower and stamina. 

A change like this takes time. Have I struggled? Absolutely! Have I had difficult phases? Absolutely! Did I want to give up at times? Absolutely! But I persevered.”

She now wants to motivate other people on Instagram and support them in the weight loss process with her story. 

In doing so, Cindy repeatedly emphasizes how important it is to listen to your own body. “Do what feels good for you.”