10 Intermittent Fasting Myths You Should Stop Believing

Myth 3: Fasting Causes Loss Of Libido


A common myth about intermittent fasting is it diminishes sex drive and libido, especially for men. However, research to date refutes this notion and indicates intermittent fasting does not harm testosterone levels.

Studies show short-term fasting under 24 hours has no negative effect on sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen. In obese subjects, intermittent fasting can increase testosterone over time. Muscle retention also implies maintained testosterone.

If testosterone dropped significantly from fasting, loss of lean muscle mass would ensue. But as addressed earlier, fasting alone does not incite muscle wasting. Therefore, intermittent fasting appears not to reduce testosterone or libido.

Feelings of tiredness, irritability, or lack of focus during the transition to fasting may temporarily reduce desire. But long-term intermittent fasting boosts energy, mood, and motivation – all which translate to maintained libido.