Intermittent Fasting And Diabetes| Type 2, Type 2, And Hypoglycemia

Intermittent fasting is a miraculous solution for weight loss, and it can inhibit inflammation in the body. Researchers have also found that it can work in regulating diabetes.

More and more studies show that interval fasting has positive effects. For example, people who eat only eight hours each day and fast for the remaining 16 hours often have impressive results.


A new study by Australian researchers shows that interval fasting can help in the fight against diabetes. 

The team was led by Mark Larance of the University of Sydney fed laboratory. The researchers found that the fasting intervals affected the protein HNF4-(alpha). Interval fasting inhibited the effect of the molecule.

Study: HNF4-(alpha) controls numerous genes in the liver and other organs. When it is inhibited, fewer blood proteins appear during inflammation, and bile synthesis is affected. 

“So we can now explain some already known effects of interval fasting,” says Mark Larance. “We knew that fasting could help fight disease and improve liver health. But how fasting reprograms liver proteins that control metabolic processes was previously unknown.”


Another new study found that the metabolism of fatty acids is also affected. Which can improve glucose tolerance and regulate diabetes, the scientists hope. 

In addition, they want to recreate the HNF4 (alpha) proteins according to the effects of fasting and thus develop possible new drugs in the fight against diabetes.

The new findings may also help develop recommendations for the proper duration of fasting intervals.