How To Activate TRPV1 For Weight Loss?

7. How To Activate TRPV1 With Garlic

garlic and herbs on a wooden table

Garlic contains allicin and other organosulfur compounds that help activate TRPV1 to boost fat burning in the body. This common spice has several benefits:

Studies show garlic supplementation aids weight loss, especially abdominal fat loss. Consuming garlic increases body temperature and metabolic rate. It acts thermogenically to burn more calories.

Garlic also suppresses appetite by modulating hunger hormone levels in the brain. Feeling satisfied longer after meals leads to big reductions in calorie intake.

The anti-inflammatory effects of garlic compounds improve insulin sensitivity as well. Better insulin sensitivity means your cells can readily absorb and utilize glucose for energy.

Garlic also supports cardiovascular health – it thins the blood, lowers blood pressure, and improves cholesterol levels. A healthy circulatory system optimizes fat mobilization and use.

Finally, organosulfur compounds in garlic boost liver detoxification. A properly detoxified body eliminates inflammatory wastes that disrupt fat metabolism.