Exercising In The Heat: 8 Mistakes You Should Avoid In Summer.

8. Ignore the warning signals of the body

Women working out in the sun Ignore the warninging signals of the body

Pay attention to your body’s signals. Fortunately, heat exhaustion is easily noticeable.

If you suddenly experience headaches, weakness, muscle cramps, nausea, or dizziness during your workout, your body is overwhelmed with the heat, and you should stop your workout immediately.

It is best to sit in the shade, cool your body and drink plenty of fluids. If other symptoms occur, such as fever, coordination problems, and clouding of consciousness, you should seek medical advice. 

When temperatures are high, it’s a good idea to exercise in groups – that way, everyone can watch out for each other, and another person can assess any potential symptoms. 

In addition, you can support each other together; the training is also much more fun.
