Exercising In The Heat: 8 Mistakes You Should Avoid In Summer.

5. Not drinking enough

Women working out in the sun and drinking water

Sufficient fluid intake is essential, especially in summer. If you train in hot temperatures, you increase your fluid requirements even more. 

If you drink too little, you risk dehydration in summer. So you should always have one bottle of water handy and listen to your body. As a rule of thumb, drink half a cup every 15 minutes to balance your fluid intake. 

You can also drink unsweetened teas or isotonic sports drinks. Or simply spice up your mineral water with cucumbers, ginger, mint, citrus fruits, or tasty berries. 

After sports, do you feel like an ice-cold drink? You should rather avoid that. Since your body has to expend a lot of energy to regulate the temperature, this cold refreshment puts additional strain on the organism. Instead, use lukewarm water.