20 Proven Health Benefits Of Edamame Beans

Reduce The Risk Of  Breast Cancer

In addition to preventing heart attacks, soy foods like Edamame Beans can be very beneficial for women because they minimize breast cancer risk. 

Several studies suggest that soy consumption may reduce the risk of breast cancer (111213).

As you know now, edamame is rich in isoflavones. These compounds have an estrogenic effect on the body. Estrogen promotes breast cancer. And these isoflavones block it. 

Because they resemble estrogen, so they can bind to their receptors and prevent the hormone from entering the body’s cells. just 10 mg of soy per day can reduce breast cancer recurrence by 20{23a935e40810e147a9f2406802bc54b2b4fd42064446c8b6538bcc40c333c187}.

Also, a high intake of isoflavone-rich foods at a young age can protect against breast cancer later in life (14, 15, 16).

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