10 People Should Not Try The Ketogenic Diet

Our topic today is about 10 people who should not try the ketogenic diet.

When you first read our articles about the ketogenic diet. You may immediately think that we would recommend the ketogenic diet for everyone and always.

Of course, ketosis has many incredible benefits, especially for therapeutic applications like diabetes, epilepsy, and weight loss.

But is the ketogenic diet really recommended for everyone?
The short answer is no. We would not recommend the ketogenic diet across the board, to everyone, at all times.

So in this article, we’re going to explore who should rather keep their hands off it.

Underweight people

Women with anorexia

We do not recommend the ketogenic diet to people with a BMI below 18 because the body fat content may drop even further in the first few weeks.

Regardless, it is helpful for the ketogenic diet’s success to have some body fat around – for metabolic health (leptin) reasons.

10 People Should Not Try The Ketogenic Diet
