Brussels sprouts: 112mg of vitamin C and 4g fiber

Serving for tiny serving, Brussels sprouts offer a formidable amount of vitamin C. Just one cup delivers over 110mg, making it one of the highest veggie sources of this essential antioxidant. That’s over twice the vitamin C content of a lemon!
Brussels sprouts also contribute respectable fiber at 4g or 15% Daily Value per cup. Additional nutrients include B vitamins, potassium, manganese plus compounds like kaempferol and sulforaphane tied to cognitive and cardiovascular protection.
Even with their more bitter reputation, Brussels sprouts can taste delicious when roasted, pan-fried or stir-fried with a touch of vinegar to balance flavors. Gentle cooking preserves their nutrient profile best. Regular intake has been associated with reduced inflammation, cognitive decline and certain cancers due to their sulforaphane content.
And it is the best source of sulforaphane, a miraculous phytonutrient that can change your genetics and improve your mental and physical health.