Type 1 Diabetes And Sleep Disorders: 4 Tips To Avoid Hypoglycemia

2. Type 1 diabetes and staying up late: adjusting therapy

women with Sleeping problems

Some therapies require insulin administration at more regular times than others, such as oral antidiabetics (for type 2 diabetes) or treatments with two injections of mixed insulin (morning and evening). 

Sleeping late can disrupt this rhythm in type 1s and increase the risk of hypoglycemia. So you should set your alarm clock at the usual time to implement your therapy as usual, and then lie down again!

People with particularly deep sleep can additionally set their alarm for midnight to check their blood glucose, to be on the safe side. 

If you are a person with type 1 diabetes on basal-bolus therapy with a single injection of long-acting insulin before bedtime, or if you wear an insulin pump, sleeping in for long periods will have less of an impact on your therapy.